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Who is Crown Copywriting?

Crown Copywriting is a freelance copywriting and SEO content writing agency from Plymouth in Devon. I'm the owner, Oliver Petts, and I set up the business in 2020 after retiring from a career in teaching English as a foreign language. Now, I help everybody from startups to international companies make their mark on their industry.


You can find out more about Crown Copywriting by reading my About page.

Who is Crown Copywriting?
What does a copywriter / SEO content writer do?

What does a copywriter / SEO content writer do?

A copywriter / content writer provides written material (called "copy") for a wide range of print and digital publications, including websites, blogs, brochures, case studies and so on. This helps businesses grow by attracting customers, building brand leadership, and improving sales.


In my case, I also specialise in SEO, which stands for search engine optimisation. This means that, as well as writing copy that people find informative and compelling, I make sure your digital content gets noticed by search engines. By using proven SEO techniques and strategies, I help your website rank higher in Google searches and pull in more traffic.

Does my business need a copywriter?

Does my business need a copywriter?

Every serious business needs a copywriter, and that's a fact.


A lot of business owners think "I've been writing all my life, so surely I can write great content for my business".


But that's like thinking "I've made a lasagne before, so surely I can be the head chef at a Michelin star restaurant".


Copywriting and content writing are nothing like the writing we learned in school. They're delicate marketing skills that require training and practice. And if you want to claim the top spot in Google search results, it takes more than a couple of SEO articles and YouTube videos to get you there.


Luckily, Crown Copywriting has the talent, knowledge and experience to turn your business from unknown to unmissable. Contact me today, and let's start talking about what I can do for you.

Why should I choose Crown Copywriting?

Why should I choose Crown Copywriting?

Rather than tell you why I'm an excellent choice, I'll let my client testimonials speak for me on this one.


If you'd like to see hard evidence on top of glowing reviews, you're also welcome to explore my portfolio.

Have you had professional training?

Have you had professional training?

I've had extensive training from some of the UK's top digital marketing institutes, including The Blackford Centre for Copywriting and The College of Media and Publishing. I have qualifications in:

  • Copywriting.

  • Google SEO.

  • SEO content writing.

  • Subediting.

  • Proofreading and editing.

  • Marketing and PR for small businesses.


But I've been fascinated by language and writing since long before I became a copywriter. I've got an undergraduate degree in English, and I spent a few years teaching English as a foreign language with a master's degree in TESOL and the Cambridge CELTA.


I also like to hone my copywriting, content writing and SEO skills with books, articles and podcasts from the biggest names in the industry. That way, I can be sure any copy I write for you includes tested and proven techniques to make your brand leap out from the crowd.

Are you insured?

Are you insured?

Crown Copywriting benefits from professional indemnity and public liability insurance from PolicyBee.


If you're a fellow copywriter who hasn't got insurance yet, using my PolicyBee referral link gives you (and me) a free £20.

What kinds of copy do you write?

What kinds of copy do you write?

My specialities include:


But I'm also trained in many other kinds of copywriting, such as email marketing, social media marketing, direct mail marketing, pay-per-click advertising and more. No matter what writing you need, send me a message and I'll let you know how I can help.


If you don't have the budget for full-blown copywriting, or you just want to polish up your in-house copy, my affordable proofreading and copyediting services might suit you better.

Who do you write for?

Who do you write for?

Whether you're a local startup, a creative agency or an international company, I write for almost any business in any industry. And even though I'm most active in Plymouth, Exeter, Tavistock and other Devon locales, I work with businesses from across the UK. My most burning passions are writing for education and mental health, but I apply the same effort and enthusiasm to all my copy.


But that doesn't mean I accept all projects blindly.


First, I need to believe that my clients have their customers' interests at heart. I want my work to improve people's lives, not steal their money.


Second, if your project requires a high level of technical knowledge that I don't have, I'll advise you to look for a more suitable copywriter instead.


I'm glad to say that 99% of the time I readily accept projects that come my way.

Will you make my website the top result on Google?

Will you make my website the top result on Google?

Nobody can ever promise to make you the top result on Google, and you should be wary of anybody who says they will.


But I can promise you that Crown Copywriting has all the technical and content SEO skills to make it possible. From seamless inclusion of SEO keywords, to standout headers, to carefully crafted meta tags and page descriptions, I use a mix of on- and off-page strategies to get your business the attention it deserves.

What information will you need from me?

What information will you need from me?

When you hire Crown Copywriting for a project, the first thing I do is send you a creative brief. It's a short questionnaire that tells me who you are, what your business does, why you're special, and what you want your project to achieve. All you need to do is fill it out and send it back, and then we can finalise our contract.


The more information you give me about your business, products, services and past projects, the more effective your final copy will be. Comments on preferred tone, style, structure and so on are also very welcome, as is guidance on topics to include or avoid.

How does your copywriting process work?

How does your copywriting process work?

My copywriting process is very simple (for you, at least).


Once you contact me, I'll ask you to fill in a short creative brief. Then, we'll agree on a price and final deadline. I'll send you a first draft in good time, and I'll use your feedback to write an improved second draft.


Along with that second draft I'll attach an invoice. It can be easily paid by bank transfer, and you'll have a leisurely 30 days to pay.


After that, I'll be working on other projects while I wait for your next call.


For a more detailed explanation, take a look at How It Works.

How much do you charge?

How much do you charge?

Like most copywriters and content writers, I charge a per-project price based on a few important factors. To give you a ballpark figure, my day rate is £300 (for eight hours of work). I consider all quotes carefully, and always offer a fair price.


To find out more about how I price my work, or to see prices for proofreading and copyediting, please visit my Cost page.

Can't I just hire somebody cheaper?

Can't I just hire somebody cheaper?

To quote one of my clients:


"In the past we'd hired writers from sites like Fiverr and PeoplePerHour, but the content we got was always disappointing."

Tony Walker, Rockmount Hotel, Tavistock


Gig sites and social media platforms don't require their members to be trained professionals. That means any Tom, Dick or Harriet can flog mediocre services for pennies with no guarantee of quality. And when bad copy makes your business less engaging, less authoritative and less trustworthy, you're basically paying to make you competitors look good.


On the other hand, established freelance copywriting businesses offer high-converting copy that actually grows your business (and typically ends up paying for itself). Since we know the power of our services, we also know what we're worth.


But that doesn't mean copywriting shouldn't be affordable, especially for new businesses who can't pay through the nose for every webpage, blog post and press release. That's why Crown Copywriting offers high-quality services at a sensible price, giving you the ideal balance for your business.

How long does it take to get my copy?

How long does it take to get my copy?

It's hard to say without seeing a brief. A 500-word blog post might take a single day, but a 100-page website might take several months. The speed of the project depends on a lot of factors, including:

  • The size and word count.

  • Complexity.

  • Urgency.

  • How much research it needs.

  • How much other work I have on the go.

  • How quickly you return the completed creative brief.

  • How much information you give me.


No matter what kind of project you have, we'll agree a deadline that suits you before we confirm our contract.

What if I don't like the first draft?

What if I don't like the first draft?

Then I'll write a second draft for free, even if it means starting over from scratch.


No matter how much clients love their first draft, there are usually a few sentences they want to tweak or some more information they'd like to add. Working together to produce a second draft is the real key to getting the most effective copy for you and your business.

What if I cancel the project?

What if I cancel the project?

That depends on when you cancel. If you cancel:

  • Before our contract is confirmed, no fees will be payable.

  • After our contract is confirmed but before I've submitted the first draft, there will be a cancellation fee of 50%.

  • After I've submitted the first draft, our agreed fee will be due in full.


Most of the time it's better to adjust the project rather than cancel it. I'm always prepared to discuss changes to the brief, and these will be reflected in the price fairly and appropriately.


If you cancel a project for whatever reason, there will be no hard feelings. You're welcome to come back to Crown Copywriting whenever you're ready.

I'd like to work with you. What should I do?

I'd like to work with you. What should I do next?

That's great news. Get in touch with me now by filling in my short contact form or emailing me at


I'll get back to you within two working days so we can get the ball rolling.


And if you're from Plymouth, Exeter, Tavistock or anywhere else in Devon, it'd be great to meet for coffee so I can really get to know you and your business.

I've got another question.

I've got another question.

And I've got the answer. Just send me a message using my contact form and I'll get back to you within two working days.

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